
Math – Linking the concrete to the abstract

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332807 178208206 1511191 84356460617 299 20301227 1810358

313962 aaaccc 49344361 35563 2311820137 299 332807 6856967

996473518293 614712075356825080426 608399 989 14839 2806

45433063754 20301227 93497093 acc 49344361 35563 52131695

332807 178208206 1511191 9310186 299 20301227 2678207712468409

21529682515 bbc 1439568097 3337 231287 1633 299 332807 4045337

aa 116692587470 3337 86735 aaaac 7064094873146 56560603 1358

3337 86735 1633 67252 1238666 332807 33022 4573545608786 1633

332807 178208206 1511191 0123456789 299 332807 9394 608399

989 1282836161204411 299 332807 2945436432455 20819117 1032971504246 3337

1696781075 14839 2191657476063 3337 14839 11973866 3337 27522212277367367

14839 1154958430385193 1528111 14839 19505 332807 4443145 33

2 26298542

Harold de Boer

Hint: aaaccc = 1000

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News about #Math

Perfect score at the final of the Dutch Mathematical Olympiad 2024!

Great achievement by the Dutch team at the International Mathematical Olympiad 2024!

Femke wins Pythagoras PWS prize 2021

Ìn the Netherlands, secondary school children write a thesis for their final school project — their "profielwerkstuk". We are very proud of Femke, who has successfully completed her profielwerkstuk on "higher dimensional tic-tac-toe" with support of Transtrend, and managed to win the Pythagoras PWS prize 2021. This is the prize for the best math-oriented profielwerkstuk of the year. Listen to her story (in Dutch) here:

Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.

Malala Yousafzai

Dutch Mathematical Olympiad

The Dutch Mathematical Olympiad is an annual contest for secondary school students. From the winners of the three national rounds teams are selected and intensively trained to represent The Netherlands at three international mathematical contests, such as the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).

For young talented students, the road towards such a contest is a once in a lifetime experience. We support paving that road.

Visit DMO

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